Our smallest balance bike
The PUKY LR M is the ideal first balance bike for children from the age of 2.
The PUKY LR M balance bike offers the perfect introduction to the world of two-wheelers and trains the agility, sense of balance and coordination of its rider. The PUKY LR M is equipped with 8.8” ball-bearing wheels and handlebars, making it very maneuverable and durable. The soft tires used are extremely quiet and low-maintenance. So children can get off to a flying start. The banana saddle, which is raised at the front and specially developed for balance bikes, ensures optimum power transmission without the child slipping off the saddle. The low entry makes it easy for the child to get on the bike without any problems. When riding downhill, the large footboard can be used to put the feet down. To prevent injuries, the PUKY LR M balance bike is equipped with safety handlebar grips to defuse the handlebar ends. In addition, there is no steering lock. This allows the handlebars to lie flat on the ground in the event of a fall. The PUKY handlebar pad provides additional protection. The height of the handlebars and saddle can be adjusted so that the LR M balance bike can be used for a long time. An impact-resistant powder coating contributes to the long-lasting beautiful appearance. PUKY LR M is available in the colors PUKYcolor, blue and rosé. The FC Bayern version in chilli red is a new addition.
Balance bikes
PUKY® balance bikes are an ideal complement to the classic scooter and at the same time the perfect precursor to a child's first bicycle. They are characterized by their low entry and particularly child-friendly ergonomics. The special wheel saddles are ergonomically shaped and perfectly support children's running movements. The height-adjustable handlebars and saddle allow for individual adjustment and therefore years of fun on the bike.